element AbstractObject
diagram sensorML_p1373.png
namespace http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2
abstract true
used by
complexType ArrayAssociationType
This element has no type defined, and is therefore implicitly (according to the rules of W3C XML Schema) an XML Schema anyType. It is used as the head of an XML Schema substitution group which unifies complex content and certain simple content elements used for datatypes in GML, including the gml:AbstractGML substitution group.
source <element name="AbstractObject" abstract="true">
<documentation>This element has no type defined, and is therefore implicitly (according to the rules of W3C XML Schema) an XML Schema anyType. It is used as the head of an XML Schema substitution group which unifies complex content and certain simple content elements used for datatypes in GML, including the gml:AbstractGML substitution group.</documentation>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy