element Bezier
diagram sensorML_p1241.png
namespace http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2
type gml:BezierType
content complex
substGrp gml:BSpline
children gml:pos gml:pointProperty gml:pointRep gml:posList gml:coordinates gml:degree gml:knot
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  annotation
numDerivativesAtStartinteger  0    
numDerivativesAtEndinteger  0    
numDerivativeInteriorinteger  0    
interpolationgml:CurveInterpolationType    polynomialSpline  
isPolynomialboolean    true  
Bezier curves are polynomial splines that use Bezier or Bernstein polynomials for interpolation purposes. It is a special case of the B-Spline curve with two knots.
degree shall be the degree of the polynomial used for interpolation in this spline.
knot shall be the sequence of distinct knots used to define the spline basis functions.
interpolation is fixed as "polynomialSpline".
isPolynomial is fixed as "true".
knotType is not relevant for Bezier curve segments.
source <element name="Bezier" type="gml:BezierType" substitutionGroup="gml:BSpline">
<documentation>Bezier curves are polynomial splines that use Bezier or Bernstein polynomials for interpolation purposes. It is a special case of the B-Spline curve with two knots.
degree shall be the degree of the polynomial used for interpolation in this spline.
knot shall be the sequence of distinct knots used to define the spline basis functions.
interpolation is fixed as "polynomialSpline".
isPolynomial is fixed as "true".
knotType is not relevant for Bezier curve segments.

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