diagram |
namespace |
http://www.opengis.net/swe/2.0 |
type |
swe:BlockType |
properties |
content | complex | substGrp | swe:AbstractSWE |
children |
swe:extension |
used by |
attributes |
Name | Type | Use | Default | Fixed | annotation | id | ID | optional | | | | compression | anyURI | optional | | | documentation | Name of the compression method used to encrypt the block of values described by the referenced data component |
| encryption | anyURI | optional | | | documentation | Name of the encryption method used to encrypt the block of values described by the referenced data component |
| paddingBytes-after | integer | optional | | | documentation | Number of padding bytes present in the stream after this binary block |
| paddingBytes-before | integer | optional | | | documentation | Number of padding bytes present in the stream before this binary block |
| byteLength | integer | optional | | | documentation | Length in byte of this binary block (if known in advance) |
| ref | string | required | | | documentation | Reference to the aggregate data component that this binary block encoding settings apply to |
annotation |
documentation | Binary encoding parameters used to encode a block of values at once. This is used for encrypting or compressing a complete array of values for instance |
source |
<element name="Block" type="swe:BlockType" substitutionGroup="swe:AbstractSWE">
<documentation>Binary encoding parameters used to encode a block of values at once. This is used for encrypting or compressing a complete array of values for instance</documentation>
</element> |