element CoverageMappingRule
diagram sensorML_p262.png
namespace http://www.opengis.net/gml/3.2
type gml:MappingRuleType
content complex
substGrp gml:AbstractObject
children gml:ruleDefinition gml:ruleReference
used by
complexType CoverageFunctionType
gml:CoverageMappingRule provides a formal or informal description of the coverage function.
The mapping rule may be defined as an in-line string (gml:ruleDefinition) or via a remote reference through xlink:href (gml:ruleReference). 
If no rule name is specified, the default is 'Linear' with respect to members of the domain in document order.
source <element name="CoverageMappingRule" type="gml:MappingRuleType" substitutionGroup="gml:AbstractObject">
<documentation>gml:CoverageMappingRule provides a formal or informal description of the coverage function.
The mapping rule may be defined as an in-line string (gml:ruleDefinition) or via a remote reference through xlink:href (gml:ruleReference). 
If no rule name is specified, the default is 'Linear' with respect to members of the domain in document order.

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