group DataComponentOrObservable
diagram sensorML_p100.png
children swe:AbstractDataComponent sml:ObservableProperty sml:DataInterface
used by
complexType DataComponentOrObservablePropertyType
source <group name="DataComponentOrObservable">
<element ref="swe:AbstractDataComponent">
<documentation>A single digital number (DN) or aggregate of DNs that represent the value of some property. Single data components can be of type Quantity, Count, Category, Boolean, Text, or Time; these can be aggregated in records, arrays, vector, and matrices.</documentation>
<element ref="sml:ObservableProperty">
<documentation>A physical property of the environment that can be observed by an appropriate detector (e.g. temperature, pressure, etc.); Typically,an ObservableProperty serves as the input of a detector and the output of an actuator.</documentation>
<element ref="sml:DataInterface">
<documentation>A data interface serves as an intermediary between the pure digital domain and the physical domain where DN are encoded into a format and perhaps transmitted through physical connections using some well-defined protocol. The DataInterface element allows one to define the components, semantics, encoding, connections, and protocol at an input, output, or parameter port.</documentation>

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