diagram |
namespace |
http://www.opengis.net/sensorML/2.0 |
type |
sml:ObservablePropertyType |
properties |
content | complex | substGrp | swe:AbstractSWEIdentifiable |
children |
swe:extension swe:identifier swe:label swe:description |
used by |
attributes |
Name | Type | Use | Default | Fixed | annotation | id | ID | optional | | | | definition | anyURI | required | | | |
annotation |
documentation | A physical property that can be observed and possibly measured (e.g. temperature, color, position). An ObservableProperty has unambiguous definition, but does not have units of measure. |
source |
<element name="ObservableProperty" type="sml:ObservablePropertyType" substitutionGroup="swe:AbstractSWEIdentifiable">
<documentation>A physical property that can be observed and possibly measured (e.g. temperature, color, position). An ObservableProperty has unambiguous definition, but does not have units of measure.</documentation>
</element> |