element Mode
diagram sensorML_p12.png
namespace http://www.opengis.net/sensorML/2.0
type sml:ModeType
content complex
substGrp sml:DescribedObject
children gml:metaDataProperty gml:description gml:descriptionReference gml:identifier gml:name gml:boundedBy gml:location sml:extension sml:keywords sml:identification sml:classification sml:validTime sml:securityConstraints sml:legalConstraints sml:characteristics sml:capabilities sml:contacts sml:documentation sml:history sml:configuration
used by
complexType ModePropertyType
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  annotation
The attribute gml:id supports provision of a handle for the XML element representing a GML Object. Its use is mandatory for all GML objects. It is of XML type ID, so is constrained to be unique in the XML document within which it occurs.
source <element name="Mode" type="sml:ModeType" substitutionGroup="sml:DescribedObject"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy