diagram | ![]() |
namespace | http://www.opengis.net/swe/2.0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
type | extension of swe:AbstractEncodingType | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
properties |
children | swe:extension swe:member | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
used by |
attributes |
source | <complexType name="BinaryEncodingType"> <complexContent> <extension base="swe:AbstractEncodingType"> <sequence> <element name="member" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <annotation> <documentation>Each member contains detailed parameters for encoding a scalar value or a block of values</documentation> </annotation> <complexType> <sequence> <group ref="swe:ComponentOrBlock"/> </sequence> </complexType> </element> </sequence> <attribute name="byteOrder" type="swe:ByteOrderType" use="required"> <annotation> <documentation>Byte order convention used to encode this binary data (big endian = most significant byte first, MSB or little endian = least significant byte first, LSB)</documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="byteEncoding" type="swe:ByteEncodingType" use="required"> <annotation> <documentation>Byte encoding method used to encode the binary data (raw or base 64)</documentation> </annotation> </attribute> <attribute name="byteLength" type="integer" use="optional"> <annotation> <documentation>Total length in bytes of the binary stream (if known in advance)</documentation> </annotation> </attribute> </extension> </complexContent> </complexType> |
type | swe:ByteOrderType | |||||||||
properties |
facets |
annotation |
source | <attribute name="byteOrder" type="swe:ByteOrderType" use="required"> <annotation> <documentation>Byte order convention used to encode this binary data (big endian = most significant byte first, MSB or little endian = least significant byte first, LSB)</documentation> </annotation> </attribute> |
type | swe:ByteEncodingType | |||||||||
properties |
facets |
annotation |
source | <attribute name="byteEncoding" type="swe:ByteEncodingType" use="required"> <annotation> <documentation>Byte encoding method used to encode the binary data (raw or base 64)</documentation> </annotation> </attribute> |
type | integer | ||||
properties |
annotation |
source | <attribute name="byteLength" type="integer" use="optional"> <annotation> <documentation>Total length in bytes of the binary stream (if known in advance)</documentation> </annotation> </attribute> |
diagram | ![]() |
namespace | http://www.opengis.net/swe/2.0 | ||||||||
properties |
children | swe:Component swe:Block | ||||||||
annotation |
source | <element name="member" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <annotation> <documentation>Each member contains detailed parameters for encoding a scalar value or a block of values</documentation> </annotation> <complexType> <sequence> <group ref="swe:ComponentOrBlock"/> </sequence> </complexType> </element> |