diagram |
namespace |
http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd |
type |
extension of gmd:AbstractEX_GeographicExtent_Type |
properties |
base | gmd:AbstractEX_GeographicExtent_Type |
children |
gmd:extentTypeCode gmd:westBoundLongitude gmd:eastBoundLongitude gmd:southBoundLatitude gmd:northBoundLatitude |
used by |
attributes |
Name | Type | Use | Default | Fixed | annotation | id | ID | | | | | uuid | string | | | | |
annotation |
documentation | Geographic area of the entire dataset referenced to WGS 84 |
source |
<complexType name="EX_GeographicBoundingBox_Type">
<documentation>Geographic area of the entire dataset referenced to WGS 84</documentation>
<extension base="gmd:AbstractEX_GeographicExtent_Type">
<element name="westBoundLongitude" type="gco:Decimal_PropertyType"/>
<element name="eastBoundLongitude" type="gco:Decimal_PropertyType"/>
<element name="southBoundLatitude" type="gco:Decimal_PropertyType"/>
<element name="northBoundLatitude" type="gco:Decimal_PropertyType"/>
</complexType> |