attributeGroup OwnershipAttributeGroup
used by
complexTypes AbstractFeatureMemberType AbstractMemberType AbstractMetadataPropertyType AbstractPhysicalProcessPropertyType AbstractProcessPropertyType AggregateProcessPropertyType ArrayAssociationType AssociationRoleType CurveArrayPropertyType CurvePropertyType DescribedObjectPropertyType DirectedEdgePropertyType DirectedFacePropertyType DirectedNodePropertyType DirectedTopoSolidPropertyType DirectionPropertyType DomainSetType FaceOrTopoSolidPropertyType FeaturePropertyType GeometricComplexPropertyType GeometricPrimitivePropertyType GeometryArrayPropertyType GeometryPropertyType HistoryPropertyType InlinePropertyType MultiCurvePropertyType MultiGeometryPropertyType MultiPointPropertyType MultiSolidPropertyType MultiSurfacePropertyType NodeOrEdgePropertyType NodePropertyType PhysicalComponentPropertyType PhysicalSystemPropertyType PointArrayPropertyType PointPropertyType ProcedurePropertyType ReferenceType ResultType SimpleProcessPropertyType SolidArrayPropertyType SolidPropertyType SurfaceArrayPropertyType SurfacePropertyType TargetPropertyType TimeCalendarEraPropertyType TimeCalendarPropertyType TimeClockPropertyType TimeEdgePropertyType TimeInstantPropertyType TimeNodePropertyType TimeOrdinalEraPropertyType TimePeriodPropertyType TimePrimitivePropertyType TimeTopologyComplexPropertyType TimeTopologyPrimitivePropertyType TopoCurvePropertyType TopoPointPropertyType TopoPrimitiveArrayAssociationType TopoPrimitiveMemberType TopoSolidPropertyType TopoSurfacePropertyType TopoVolumePropertyType ValueArrayPropertyType ValuePropertyType
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  annotation
ownsboolean  false    
Encoding a GML property inline vs. by-reference shall not imply anything about the "ownership" of the contained or referenced GML Object, i.e. the encoding style shall not imply any "deep-copy" or "deep-delete" semantics. To express ownership over the contained or referenced GML Object, the gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup attribute group may be added to object-valued property elements. If the attribute group is not part of the content model of such a property element, then the value may not be "owned".
When the value of the owns attribute is "true", the existence of inline or referenced object(s) depends upon the existence of the parent object.
source <attributeGroup name="OwnershipAttributeGroup">
<documentation>Encoding a GML property inline vs. by-reference shall not imply anything about the "ownership" of the contained or referenced GML Object, i.e. the encoding style shall not imply any "deep-copy" or "deep-delete" semantics. To express ownership over the contained or referenced GML Object, the gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup attribute group may be added to object-valued property elements. If the attribute group is not part of the content model of such a property element, then the value may not be "owned".
When the value of the owns attribute is "true", the existence of inline or referenced object(s) depends upon the existence of the parent object.
<attribute name="owns" type="boolean" default="false"/>

attribute OwnershipAttributeGroup/@owns
type boolean
isRef 0
default false
source <attribute name="owns" type="boolean" default="false"/>

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