diagram |
namespace |
http://www.opengis.net/swe/2.0 |
type |
swe:TimeType |
properties |
content | complex | substGrp | swe:AbstractSimpleComponent |
children |
swe:extension swe:identifier swe:label swe:description swe:quality swe:nilValues swe:uom swe:constraint swe:value |
used by |
attributes |
Name | Type | Use | Default | Fixed | annotation | id | ID | optional | | | | updatable | boolean | optional | | | documentation | Specifies if the value of a data component can be updated externally (i.e. is variable) |
| optional | boolean | optional | false | | documentation | Specifies that data for this component can be omitted in the datastream |
| definition | anyURI | optional | | | documentation | Reference to semantic information defining the precise nature of the component |
| referenceFrame | anyURI | optional | | | documentation | Frame of reference (usually temporal or spatial) with respect to which the value of the component is expressed. A reference frame anchors a value to a real world datum. |
| axisID | string | optional | | | documentation | Specifies the reference axis (refer to gml:axisID). The reference frame URI should also be specified unless it is inherited from parent Vector |
| referenceTime | dateTime | optional | | | documentation | Specifies the origin of the temporal reference frame as an ISO8601 date (used to specify time after an epoch that is to say in a custom frame) |
| localFrame | anyURI | optional | | | documentation | Temporal frame of reference whose origin is located by the value of this component |
annotation |
documentation | Scalar component used to represent a time quantity either as ISO 8601 (e.g. 2004-04-18T12:03:04.6Z) or as a duration relative to a time of reference |
source |
<element name="Time" type="swe:TimeType" substitutionGroup="swe:AbstractSimpleComponent">
<documentation>Scalar component used to represent a time quantity either as ISO 8601 (e.g. 2004-04-18T12:03:04.6Z) or as a duration relative to a time of reference</documentation>
</element> |